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Esta es nuestra 13° edición de Rotten Ears Radio, con lo mejor de todos los estilos: Death, thrash, grind, doom, heavy y porsupuesto Black metal / This is our 13th. edition of Rotten Ears Radio, with the best of all styles: Death, thrash, grind, doom, heavy and of course Black metal.


En esta ocasión sonarán (En órden de aparición) / Now playing (In order of appearance): 

01. MORGH "Bellum"
02. NATTFLY "Marans Märke"
03. RAAMT "Aphotic Incantation"
04. SHRINE OF ELIGOS "The Burning Eyes of Iblis"
05. DISSENCHANT "The Embers Of Autumn"
06. DEFENESTRATED "Shattered Reflection"
07. INPOISONOUS "Perfect Illusionist"
08. KOERSIVE "Blazing Wheels"
09. HEAVY DUTY "Manifest"
10. SHOVELHEAD A. D. "New South Hill"
11. OMNIVORE "Terminal Disease"
12. WAR PACT "Possession"
13. COVID DEATH CULT "Malignant Within"
14. HERREMENTARI "Homicidal Self Loath"
15. DREYRA "Eschatology IV"
16. INCINERATION AD "The Phoenix"
17. TROUGHBORN SON "Death´s Vigil"
19. LAGNIA "Egg of the Serpent"
20. MORVUDD "The Observer"
21. MORT ECARLATE "La cage de l agonie"
22. MUSHROOM LAND "Dead and Forever Immortal"
23. COAL AND STEEL "Coal In The Blood"
24. GHOSTS FROM THE PAST "State of Anarchy"
25. ORAGE "Loving Mother"
26. THRILLER "Thriller - Iron Goddess"
27. HYDRA "Hamis profeciak"
28. TRANSCOMAR "Alternative Foodorn"
29. PROTYPE 5 "Sleepwalker"
30. INCARA "Creatrure Of The Deep"
31. PSYC 6 "Insane Psycho"
32. THRASH CULT "Dimmed"
33. OGRE SCORPION "Lait caillé"
34. SARCOVORE "Smash The New World Order"
35. I DESTROYER "Hatred For Humanity"

Bandas que quieran difusión a través nuestro, escríbannos (dar click en "CONTACTO" en el menú superior) / Bands who want to spread their music through our radio podcast, please write to us (click on "CONTACT" in the top menu).

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